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Coffee addicts ? Are we drinking too much?

By Clara Maasz  The first thing many of us do in the morning is reach for a cup of coffee. Coffee fuels our day, gives us the energy to push through the day-to-day grind, and brings us moments of joy as we take the first delicious sip. Although it has become the norm to consume coffee throughout the day, have we become coffee addicts? Perhaps some of us drink too much? Perhaps we need to reign it in and get a hold on our coffee consumption? Perhaps not. I recon that I drink anywhere between 3 and 5 cups of coffee every day, I love the taste of coffee and it brings me a sense of comfort. If anyone asked me, I wouldn't call myself an addict, I can go without if I need to and if I don't manage a morning cup I wont loose my head over it; however, I would count myself as verging dangerously into the danger zone.  In terms of other people's coffee consuming habits, on average Americans drink 3-5 cups of coffee per day, and in the UK this lessens to an average of 2 cups per day wi...

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